South Africa
Header PresSense Fabric
Point to Point Pressure Sensor
Pressure Sensor Therapy Mat

SEFAR PresSense

SEFAR PresSense force-sensing resistor (FSR) or piezo-resistive fabric combines reliable pressure measurements with user comfort. The homogeneous, conductive fabric is especially suited for textile pressure sensing applications that require a durable, comfortable and breathable fabric.

Header PresSense Fabric
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Point to Point Pressure Sensor
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Pressure Sensor Therapy Mat
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No compromize on sensitivity, design and comfort

Conventional pressure sensing technologies often don’t live up to the standards of equipment manufacturers and their customers:

Maintaining measurement precision over time is a challenge

Current solutions lack comfort and breathability

Size and customization limitations restrict design freedom

Break free from these constraints with SEFAR® PresSense Force Sensing Resistor fabric and combine unmatched quality, comfort, and versatility in your pressure sensing solution.

Benefit from superior material performance


Accurate pressure detection


Homogeneous fabric

Pressure Range_75

Broad pressure range


3 fabric categories from 0.1 - 150 N/cm²


Robust and durable fabric


Pressure testing for 1 million cycles


Washable fabric


Maintains its integrity when washed


High air permeability


Excellent gas and liquid flow (> 5,000 l/m²/s)


Customizable structure


Any shape from small to large

Thin Light_75

Ultra-thin and lightweight 


Ultra-thin (< 135 μm), lightweight (< 40 g/m²)


Quality compliance



Combine quality, comfort, and versatility


Reliable data reproducibility


Gathering reliable data with every measurement can be a challenge. Sefar PresSense fabric features consistent material quality and homogeneous fabric properties, validated by rigorous quality control procedures.​

Ensure consistent data accuracy and repeatability

Minimize the need for calibration efforts

Long-term durability


Conventional technologies can deteriorate quickly under pressure and when washed. The robust woven structure of our fabric ensures continued performance under heavy and repeated pressure and withstands frequent washing.

Extend the life of your product

Benefit from accurate measurements over time


Supreme comfort


Traditional products are often stiff, crackly and lack breathability. The lightness, flexibility, and air permeability of our fabric allow for effortless integration into your pressure sensor without compromising on comfort.

Go beyond plastics and add comfort to your sensor

Benefit from the softness and breathability of textiles

Complete design freedom


Don’t let technology limit your design aspirations. The broad pressure range of our fabric, combined with the flexibility of size and shape, open the door to full design flexibility and functionality for your product.

Capture pressure and resistance data without limits

Shape your product according to your vision


Flexible production planning


As a leading supplier of industrial fabrics, Sefar has the production capacity and global infrastructure to deliver PresSense fabric in the quantities you need, where you need it.

Rely on our flexible and fast global delivery services

Seamlessly scale up your production as the demand grows

Overcome technology limitations


Customize your textile pressure sensor

Simply integrate the Sefar FSR-fabric as the functional layer into your pressure sensor and add the electrodes and electronic components depending your use case. Combine the fabric with any type of electrodes including heat printed, embroidered, sewn or stitched, laminated, sandwiched and many more.


Example showing SEFAR PresSense Force Sensitive Resistor Fabric with heat printed electrodes.

Suitable from low to high pressure applications

Choose from three fabric products covering a broad pressure range from touch sensitivity to heavy load. SEFAR PresSense is woven in-house up to a width of 3 meters and unlimited length, can be cut into any shape and folded to your specifications.


Contact us to explore how SEFAR PresSense can elevate your pressure sensing application. Our experts are ready to work with you to create a customized solution - from prototype to final product.


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